Spending Review is a Missed Opportunity to Invest in Youngest Children
Summary Yesterday’s Spending Review was a missed opportunity to fund vital support for the youngest children, both…
First 1001 Days Receives Funding from AIM Foundation
The First 1001 Days Movement is delighted to announce that we have received a three-year grant from…
F1001D responds to Ofsted report on rise in neglect and abuse of babies during COVID-19
We are deeply saddened to see reports today about the awful harms suffered by babies during the…
Public Health England
As newspapers and websites report that Public Health England may be replaced by a ‘National Institute for…
First 1001 Days Movement becomes a formal alliance
This week, the First 1001 Days Movement launched as an alliance of over 130 charities and professional…
New infographic launches for #IMHAW2020
For Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, we have created a new infographic which explains what infant mental…
Chief Executives call on the Prime Minister to act now to improve babies’ wellbeing.
On the eve of Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, the leaders of nearly 80 organisations have signed…
1001 Days Movement champions babies during COVID
The First 1001 Days Movement’s work to ensure that babies’ needs are understood and prioritised has continued:…
Our call on Government to keep babies safe
Today, 43 charities and professional bodies joined together to call on national and local decision makers to…