Our work raises awareness of the importance of policies and services to support early relationships, and specifically about the value of specialised parent-infant relationship teams.
We do not support any political party or political candidate. We use our voice to influence national and local decisions about government policy to support parent-infant relationships. We create resources that anyone can use to support campaigning activity.
We bring professionals and organisations together through the First 1001 Days Movement and Conception to Age Two All-Party Parliamentary Group to speak with a united voice about the importance of early relationships in giving every baby the best start in life. Together we challenge local and national decision makers to do more for the youngest children.
Alongside the Parent-infant Network, we also advocate for the provision of specialised parent-infant relationship teams. Our report, Rare Jewels: Specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Teams in the UK, contains analysis of provision across the UK and advocates for policy changes that will support the growth of services across the country. In recent evidence we supplied as part of our response to the Government’s major conditions strategy, we estimated that at least 400 teams are needed in England alone, requiring a tenfold increase over the next five years. See our Policy Briefing for more details.
The Parent-Infant Foundation is a member of:
- the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, a coalition of UK organisations that campaign for change and support local systems to improve perinatal mental healthcare.
- the Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition, a coalition of leading organisations from across England, who are passionate about the mental health and wellbeing of babies, children and young people.
- the Health Policy Influencing Group, coordinated by NCB.