First 1001 Days Movement – Spending Review Submission 2025
The First 1001 Days Movement has recently submitted its submission to the Government’s 2025 spending review.
The submission focuses on how the Government can meet its ambition to give children the best start in life by investing in the first 1001 days. The key asks link back to our ‘Manifesto for Babies’ and include:
- Start for Life: An ask to extend Start for Life funding and expand the programme to all areas of England.
- Breastfeeding: We ask the government to give local authorities the resources needed to deliver best practice in breastfeeding based on the Tower Hamlets model.
- Tackle child poverty: We also ask that the Government abolishes the two-child limit to help lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty.
- Health Visitors: We request more funding to help increase the number of Health Visitors who offer such vital support to families.
- Paternity Leave: We have called for an increase in statutory parental leave for fathers to give them more time to bond with their baby.
Investing in these programmes will support families in the earliest years and help babies to have the best start in life. They carry popular support from the electorate and can help to rebalance government spending towards prevention.
You can read the full submission here.
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