New steering group elected
The First 1001 Days Movement has elected its new steering group, after an online vote by its members.
In line with the Movement’s terms of reference, the steering group is comprised of 12 organisational members and 3 individual supporters.
This year’s elections were particularly competitive. 35 nominations were received for the places reserved for organisational members.
There were 13 nominations for the individual supporters’ places.
All registered organisational members and individual supporters of the First 1001 Days Movement were entitled to vote in the election.
The Movement is pleased to announce that the following twelve organisational members were elected:
Action for Children – Martha Hampson
Anna Freud – Abi Miranda
Association for Infant Mental Health (UK) – Jane Barlow
Association of Video Interaction Guidance (AVIGuk) – Hilary Kennedy
Best Beginnings – Nilushka Perera
Better Start (Blackpool) – Clare Law
Fatherhood Institute – Katherine Jones
Home-Start UK – Matthew Hann
Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) – Georgina Mayes
National Children’s Bureau – Ava Berry
Oxford Parent-Infant Project (OXPIP) – Karen Bateson
The Brazelton Centre UK CIO – Inge Nickell
The following three individual supporters were elected:
Eunice Lumsden
Louise Glover
Mark Williams
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