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Past Activities

Since 2013, the First 1001 Days Movement and APPG have been raising awareness of the importance of babies’ emotional wellbeing.

New First 1001 Days report highlights the ongoing impact for babies born during the COVID pandemic

A new report released by the First 1001 Days Movement and Institute of Health Visiting shows an…

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First 1001 Days Movement’s response to the National Review into the murders of Arthur and Star

Today we read, with enormous sadness, the National Review of the murders of Star Hobson and Arthur…

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Launch of Why Health Visitors Matter report

Today we are launching #HealthVisitorsMatter – a report compiled of short pieces by parents, professionals, and charity…

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Impact of COVID-19 Inquiry

Today the Government published its response to the Petitions Committee’s inquiry on the impact of COVID-19 on…

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Our briefing for the debate on ‘giving every child the best start in life’

On Tuesday 9th November there will be a backbench business debate in the House of Commons on…

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First 1001 Days Movement response to the Budget and Spending Review

In today’s Budget and Spending Review, the Chancellor stated the importance of a child’s first 1001 days…

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First 1001 Days Movement calls on the Chancellor to fund the Start for Life Vision

Today, we called on the Chancellor to provide the resources required to ensure that the Government’s Start…

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#TurnOffTheTaps Invest in Health Visiting

Today we are launching our #TurnOffTheTaps campaign calling for investment in Health Visiting services. The focus of…

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“Government’s Baby Blindspot must end” say First 1001 Days Members

Over 60 First 1001 Days member organisations have today jointly written to the new Secretary of State…

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June 2021 All Party Parliamentary Group Meeting

On 8th June, during Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, the APPG for Conception to Age Two met…

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