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Why Relationships Matter

Early relationships shape babies’ social and emotional development and influence many key outcomes The positive influences of healthy relationships Early relationships influence a baby’s brain, and in particular their social and emotional development. This early development plays an important role in how well a child will go on to achieve many of the key outcomes…

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A Priority for Government

Today, the Parent-Infant Foundation called on all political parties in the UK to commit to transforming support for children and their families in the first 1001 days of life. A new briefing document, published today ahead of the December General Election, describes how the first 1001 days of life should be a priority for the…

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Building Babies’ Brains

Early relationships between babies and their parents are incredibly important for building healthy brains The first 1001 days of life, from conception to age two, is a time of unique opportunity and vulnerability. It is a period of particularly rapid growth, when the foundations for later development are laid. “The period from pregnancy to age…

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Our Impact report: A dedicated summary of research and evidence on the impact of specialised parent-infant relationship teams. Executive Summary Full Report The impact of parent-infant relationship teams Introduction This is the first dedicated report to summarise the latest research about the impact of specialised parent-infant relationship teams. Evidence is critically important for growing the…

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Supporting Parents with Learning Disabilities/Neuro-diversity to Build Bonds & Break Cycles with Their Babies Webinar Recording

In this webinar, we are joined by Dr Lisa Marsland (Consultant Clinical Psychologist, BABS Lead & Associate Director for Vulnerable Complex Families) and Mrs Andrea Sissons (Mental Health Practitioner and BABS Learning Disability/ Neurodiversity Champion) who talk about the ground breaking BABS (Building Attachment and Bonds Service) strengths-based, psycho-social support and interventions that are offered…

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Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this site What is in these terms? These terms tell you the rules for using our website (our site). Who we are and how to contact us is a site operated by the Parent-Infant Foundation Limited. We are registered in England and Wales under…

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Our Spending Review Representation

Today, the Parent-Infant Foundation submitted a representation to the Treasury ahead of this autumn’s Spending Review. The submission makes the case for £88 million of investment over the Spending Review period to fund the development and employment of a specialist parent-infant workforce, and a national development programme to roll out specialised parent-infant relationship teams. Specialised…

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Statement on the closure of NorPip

The Parent-Infant Foundation is sad to hear that NorPIP, the Parent Infant Partnership in Northamptonshire is having to close in June after a decade of supporting local babies and their families. Specialised parent infant services such as NorPIP play a crucial role in the treatment and prevention of mental health problems, supporting parents to establish…

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Queen’s Speech Briefing

This week the Queen’s Speech committed the Government to “ensuring children have the best start in life, prioritising their early years”. The First 1001 Days Movement welcomes this announcement. We must act now to put babies at the heart of major decisions on the restructure of public health, the Health and Care Bill and the…

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Ask Your MP

1001 Days Manifesto Speak up for babies Ask Your MP Has your MP joined the campaign? FAQs Updates APPG Activities Resources Evidence Briefs Infographics Working for Babies Members Ask your candidates to join the campaign Step 1: Find out who your prospective parliamentary candidates are Expand Find out who your parliamentary candidates are and their…

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