First 1001 Days Movement calls on the Chancellor to fund the Start for Life Vision
Today, we called on the Chancellor to provide the resources required to ensure that the Government’s Start for Life Vision becomes a reality for babies and their families across England.
The Chancellor has said that this autumn’s Spending Review will ensure “strong and innovative public services” and level up across the UK to “increase and spread opportunity.” Achieving these goals is impossible if we do not focus on creating strong and effective services that give our children the best start in life.
As a Movement, we are calling for investment in the Government’s Start for Life vision in the Spending Review.
In our representation to the Treasury, we set out the case new funding for a range of services including:
· A £500 million ringfenced uplift in the Public Health Grant over the next three years.
· £88 million for the development and employment of a specialist parent-infant workforce, and a national development programme.
Read our full submission here.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://parentinfantfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/210930-Spending-Review-Submission-1.pdf” title=”210930 Spending Review Submission”]
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