What’s in the political parties’ manifestos for babies?

By Tamora Langley, Head of Policy and Communications at the Parent-Infant Foundation  After working with the First 1001 Days Steering Group to develop and launch the ‘Manifesto for Babies’ earlier this year, we have been waiting to see what the political parties would commit to in their manifestos.  All have now been published, so what…

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Parent-Infant Foundation awarded National Lottery funding to support families across Wales 

The Parent-Infant Foundation is delighted to announce it has been awarded National Lottery Funding to help develop more specialised parent-infant teams across Wales.  The Foundation has successfully applied for just over £400,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund. The funding will support a three-year project aimed at further developing parent-infant relationship teams across all areas…

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Parent-Infant Foundation reacts to publication of the Start for Life Vision

We welcome Government’s commitment to improve the health of and wellbeing of babies in the first 1001 days, through the Start for Life Vision. Today’s review document provides a clear and detailed evaluation of the services, workforce and leadership needed to improve outcomes during this formative life stage. As the review acknowledges, more work is needed to ensure…

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