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1001 Days Movement champions babies during COVID

The First 1001 Days Movement’s work to ensure that babies’ needs are understood and prioritised has continued: On Wednesday 6th May, 1001 Days Members, Home-Start UK, Best Beginnings and the Parent Infant Foundation, together with the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, launched a new survey to gather the experiences and concerns of families who are experiencing…

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‘Understanding Early Trauma’ announced as theme for Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

The Parent-Infant Foundation has announced the theme and dates for this year’s Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (IMHAW). It will run from 13th to 19th June 2022. The week will look at the nature and impact of trauma experienced by babies, the buffering impact healthy relationships can provide, as well as the importance of having…

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About Us

We bring together and support the infant mental health sector, provide clinical leadership and campaign for policy change The Parent-Infant Foundation brings the sector together through collaborative leadership. We work to advance thinking and practice, improve collective understanding, provide a much-needed national voice, and campaign for policy change. If we are to achieve our vision…

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We campaign to convince national and local decision makers across the UK to do more to support parent-infant relationships Our work raises awareness of the importance of policies and services to support early relationships, and specifically about the value of specialised parent-infant relationship teams. We do not support any political party or political candidate. We…

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Why Relationships Matter

Early relationships shape babies’ social and emotional development and influence many key outcomes The positive influences of healthy relationships Early relationships influence a baby’s brain, and in particular their social and emotional development. This early development plays an important role in how well a child will go on to achieve many of the key outcomes…

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1001 Days Updates Past Activities APPG Activities Resources Infographics Working for Babies Members #WhatAboutUs 600,000 babies born in lockdown are overlooked. In the year since we first locked down, over 600,000 babies living in England have been born and have lived their whole lives in lockdown. Many young families are missing out on vital early…

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Strategy and Vision

We are the Parent-Infant Foundation. Our strategic direction sets out our vision, aims and means. Our vision is of a UK in which all parents and carers are supported to create sensitive, nurturing relationships with their babies to lay the foundation for lifelong mental and physical health. Our aims Support the quality and practice of…

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1001 Days Manifesto Updates APPG Activities Resources Evidence Briefs Infographics Working for Babies Members APPG The Conception to Age Two All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) brings together parliamentarians from across the political spectrum with a shared passion for improving babies’ early relationships, experiences and outcomes. The APPG is chaired by Tim Loughton, MP for East Worthing…

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Foundation receives funding for its First 1001 Days secretariat role

The Parent-Infant Foundation is delighted to have received a three-year grant from the AIM Foundation.  The funds will support our role as secretariat to the First 1001 Days Movement, including enabling the recruitment of a new Membership and Parliamentary Officer to work with our Head of Policy and Campaigning.   The Movement is a campaigning alliance of over 160 organisations that work…

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First 1001 Days Receives Funding from AIM Foundation

The First 1001 Days Movement is delighted to announce that we have received a three-year grant from the AIM Foundation.  The funds will enable a range of activities including the recruitment of a new Membership and Parliamentary Officer.   This new role will play a vital role by actively engaging our membership for maximum impact and…

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