Parent-Infant Foundation Spending Review submission
13 February 2025

Last week, the Parent-Infant Foundation submitted updated evidence to the Treasury for the UK government’s Spending Review.
The Spending Review is a process by which the Treasury sets public spending allocations for government departments.
Following our last submission, in September, we were delighted that the government confirmed another year of funding for the Start for Life programme. This is currently confirmed until 1 April 2026. Now, we have asked the government to double the programme’s funding and extend it to every English local authority. As part of this, we call for dedicated funding to enable every local authority to develop at least one parent-infant team by 2028/29.
There are many signs from government they are interested in the early years and investing in babies. Firstly, their ‘opportunity mission’ and ambition ‘to give every child the best start in life’. Secondly, this would align to the strategic shifts the government says it aims to achieve in NHS services – ‘from hospital to community’ and ‘from sickness to prevention’. The results of the Spending Review are expected some time in the spring/summer. Meanwhile, we will continue to make the case for investment in parent-infant teams and services that support vulnerable babies.
Read our full spending review submission here