Parent-Infant Foundation is launched
22 October 2019

We were delighted to welcome friends and colleagues interested in and working to improve parent-infant relationships, to our launch party on October 7th 2019.
Our focus was to share our new strategy and the comprehensive Development Toolkit we have created with others to help local areas who want to set-up, maintain or develop a specialised parent-infant relationship team.
It was wonderful to share these developments through a new website, created by Perfectly Digital, and under a new brand, creatively designed by Lord Design Studios and brought to life by WhiteHalo. Our new name, the Parent-Infant Foundation, reflects our new direction of working with all specialised parent-infant relationship teams through the Parent-Infant Network and providing the foundations for growth and development to support all parent-infant relationships.
Guests were treated to delicious and copious canapés and refreshments thanks to the Adaptability Team within Mastercard UK, who also provided the venue at the Nomura Building overlooking the Thames.
Andrew Buckley, Executive Vice President for International Product, Marketing and Communications at Mastercard opened the event and explained how the relationship formed this year between the Adaptability Team and the Parent-Infant Foundation.
Beckie Lang, Chief Executive at the Foundation then shared the strategic direction for the charity and the partnership working with so many individuals and organisations across the infant mental health sector to get us to this point.
Julia Lewis, Assistant Director of Children’s Services in South Eastern Trust Northern Ireland spoke about the partnership created between the Trust, the Parent-Infant Foundation, Barnardo’s NI and Tiny Life in developing the first parent-infant relationship team in Northern Ireland.
Finally, Tim Loughton MP, Chair of Trustees for the Parent-Infant Foundation, wrapped up the speeches with a quick summary of the charity’s history and forward direction before inviting everyone to network and enjoy themselves.
We thank everyone for their support and encouragement for the future direction of the Parent-Infant Foundation, and we are looking forward to making progress in the growth of specialised support for parent-infant relationships with complex and persistent difficulties.