Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy





Application deadline

August 30, 2024

Contact Details

Lizi Potter: [email protected]


OXPIP’s Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy is for professionals who have a recognised professional clinical accreditation in psychotherapy, psychodynamic counselling, psychology or arts therapies. 

The training will:

  • Develop specilised skills as parent-infant therapists
  • Draw on a range of theories: psychoanalytic, attachment, inter-subjectivity and neuroscience
  • Include individual and group supervision, clinical seminars and short courses
  • Provide a time to present clinical work verbally and as detailed process notes
  • Require trainees to keep a reflective journal as part of the ongoing assessment
  • Gain experience of providing consultation, where appropriate, to early-years professionals in their placement or work-setting

The cost of the course is £10,500, plus the application fee (£50) and interview fee (£75).

Please note: it is essential that a psychoanalytically informed two-year infant observation programme is undertaken and completed prior to or during the course of the Diploma in Psychodynamic Parent-Infant Therapy.

Deadline: 30th August 2024 at 5pm
Interviews: 20th & 27th September 2024
Course Begins: March 2025