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What is a parent-infant team?

Parent-Infant teams support and strengthen relationships between babies and their carers What are specialised parent-infant relationship teams? Specialised parent-infant relationship teams are multi-disciplinary teams with expertise in supporting and strengthening the important relationships between babies and their parents or carers. Teams work with babies and their primary caregivers, including parents, foster carers, grandparents or others…

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Babies in Lockdown

Babies in Lockdown report: listening to parents to build back better Executive Summary Full Report This report captures the lockdown experiences of over 5000 families who responded to our online survey. The findings highlight the lack of support for families and the inequalities of babies’ early experiences. The evidence is unequivocal that the first 1,001…

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Parent-Infant Foundation is launched

We were delighted to welcome friends and colleagues interested in and working to improve parent-infant relationships, to our launch party on October 7th 2019.  Our focus was to share our new strategy and the comprehensive Development Toolkit we have created with others to help local areas who want to set-up, maintain or develop a specialised…

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World Mental Health Day

Today, on World Mental Health Day, the Parent-Infant Foundation is bringing the mental health of babies to the conversation. Since the day was first created in 1992, amazing progress has been made to improve understanding of mental health and mental illness.  Much still remains to be done, not least in recognising the mental health needs…

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PIP UK launches new strategy and new name

Parent Infant Partnership UK has launched an exciting new organisational strategy which will accelerate progress towards our goal of there being specialised parent-infant relationship teams across the UK, able to support all families who need them. The new strategy will enable the faster development of more new, sustainable services; support shared learning and quality improvement across the whole…

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Government spending round omits early years

On Tuesday 4th September,  the government announced its spending round for 2020-2021. This was a one year settlement, ahead of a multi-year spending review which will take place next year. The spending round included substantial increases in funding for public services: “the fastest planned real growth in day-to-day departmental spending in 15 years.” We were incredibly…

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