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The Baby Blind-spot: First 1001 Days report shows babies’ needs overlooked in COVID response

A report released by the First 1001 Days Movement today found that the “hidden harms” of the Spring lockdown on 0-2s were broad and significant, and experienced unevenly depending on family circumstances and background.  The Working for Babies report was written by First 1001 Days partners Isos Partnership.  It examined the response of local services…

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The Parent-Infant Foundation publish ‘Securing Healthy Lives’

Today, we publish our latest report ‘Securing Healthy Lives’ drawing on research in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area of Wales to explore opportunities to improve the parent-infant relationship across the country. Difficulties in the relationship between babies and their parents, if left unaddressed, can store up problems for the future, sometimes many years later.  In…

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First 1001 Days Movement’s response to the National Review into the murders of Arthur and Star

Today we read, with enormous sadness, the National Review of the murders of Star Hobson and Arthur Labinjo Hughes. As a Movement that concentrates on children in the earliest years of life, our response focuses specifically on Star’s story and the way in which she was failed by our public services and public policy. The…

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What’s in the political parties’ manifestos for babies?

By Tamora Langley, Head of Policy and Communications at the Parent-Infant Foundation  After working with the First 1001 Days Steering Group to develop and launch the ‘Manifesto for Babies’ earlier this year, we have been waiting to see what the political parties would commit to in their manifestos.  All have now been published, so what…

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Parent-Infant Foundation welcomes ‘Impact of COVID-19 on new parents: one year on’ report

The Parent-Infant Foundation welcomes the House of Commons Petitions Committee’s report on the continuing challenges faced by new and expectant parents in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their report, ‘Impact of COVID-19 on new parents: one year on’ provides a clear analysis of the difficulties the pandemic has posed for some babies and their families.…

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Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

Acknowledgements and disclaimers Toolkit contents Chapter 1: Introduction and Key Concepts Chapter 2: The Case for Change Chapter 3: Funding and Commissioning a Specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Team Chapter 4: Clinical Interventions and Evidence-Informed Practice Chapter 5: Setting up a Specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Team and Preparing for Operational Delivery Chapter 6: From Set-up to Sustainability Chapter…

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Self Audit Tool

Self-audit tool for parent-infant teams Go straight to tool Background As part of our mission to support the growth and quality of specialised parent-infant relationship teams across the UK, we created the UK’s first definition of a specialised parent-infant relationship team in the Rare Jewels research and report. This work forms the basis of this…

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IMHAW21 – New survey finds ‘baby blindspot’ in children and young people’s mental health provision

As part of this year’s Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (7-13 June), The Parent-Infant Foundation is highlighting huge and concerning gaps in mental health services for babies and toddlers. The Foundation is sharing results of an online workforce survey which shows that infants are too often overlooked and neglected in children and young people’s mental…

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Review of Manualised Attachment-Based Interventions

Learn more about manualised attachment-based interventions and about how interventions improve the caregiver-infant relationship. This webinar will: • Give an overview of manualised attachment-based interventions, for caregivers and infants up to two years* • Present findings from a systematic review of the evidence on which interventions demonstrate improvements in the caregiver-infant relationship. • Offer guidance…

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We invite every team around the UK to join the Parent-Infant Network and to take up our offers of support. The Parent-Infant Network is for all specialised parent-infant relationship teams around the UK or anyone working to set up a team. The Parent-Infant Teams Network brings together established and emerging specialised parent-infant relationship teams around…

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