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Chapter 3

3 Funding and Commissioning a Specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Team Chapter contents The range of work that parent-infant teams do and the impact they create An example of a system-level Theory of Change: the impacts of specialised parent-infant relationship teams on a local system Commissioning for outcomes Commissioning arrangements Specialised parent-infant relationship teams support outcomes which…

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Cookie Policy

About cookies We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer to help the site provide a better user experience. Generally, we use cookies to help us administer this website and to improve the website’s usability. We may also use cookies to identify which pages…

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‘Understanding Early Trauma’ announced as theme for Infant Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

The Parent-Infant Foundation has announced the theme and dates for this year’s Infant Mental Health Awareness Week (IMHAW). It will run from 13th to 19th June 2022. The week will look at the nature and impact of trauma experienced by babies, the buffering impact healthy relationships can provide, as well as the importance of having…

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1001 Days Manifesto Updates APPG Activities Resources Evidence Briefs Infographics Working for Babies Members Infographics The Core Story This infographic sets out the core story of why relationships between parents and their babies in the first 1001 days are so crucially important. It was co-created by a wide range of professionals, coordinated by the Parent-Infant…

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Staff changes at Parent-Infant Foundation

With 2021 now well under way, the Parent-Infant Foundation is looking forward to an exciting year of developments as it sees staff additions and changes, including a change of Chief Executive. Firstly, the Foundation is delighted to welcome two new members of staff: Emma Francis as the Foundation’s Communications and Marketing Manager, and Verona Blackford…

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Parent-Infant Foundation webinars On 17th August, we were delighted to host the co-owners of the Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) delivering a webinar to the Parent-Infant Teams Network and practitioners. In the recorded webinar, Rosie Zweiback, Associate Director at the Department of Education & Child Development at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nicole…

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Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale

On 17th August, we were delighted to host the co-owners of the Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) delivering a webinar to the Parent-Infant Teams Network and practitioners. In the recorded webinar, Rosie Zweiback, Associate Director at the Department of Education & Child Development at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nicole Buchholz, Early…

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