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Chapter 4

4 Clinical Interventions and Evidence-Informed Practice Chapter contents National clinical guidance Theories of Change An example of a clinical-level Theory of Change Engagement prior to and during assessment Infant Massage Assessment Choosing which interventions to offer Interventions for parents and their child together The Hexagon: An Exploration Tool Parent-infant psychotherapy Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC):…

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Chapter 5

5 Setting up a specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Team: preparing for operational delivery Chapter contents Developing a service within the local context Different operating contexts Preparing for operational delivery The overall aims of the team Establishing a strategic board Agreeing a training, consultation and direct delivery plan across all partners Free at the point of delivery…

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Chapter 2

2 The Case for Change: Why do we need specialised parent-infant relationship teams?  Chapter contents Introduction The first 1001 days are a crucial time and what happens in this period influences lifelong health and wellbeing Relationships, especially the parent-infant relationship, are at the heart of healthy development Early adversity brings costs to individuals, society and…

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Chapter 6

6 Operational Delivery: Moving from Set-Up to Sustainability Chapter contents Finding families to work with Start by screening for suitability Managing a waiting list Typical referral management process Allocation within the team Trauma Informed Approaches Making first contact The first appointment Agreeing further work Letters Interventions Managing endings Follow up Sharing information with others Recording…

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Chapter 7

7 Recruitment, Management and Supervision of a Specialised Parent-Infant Relationship Team Chapter contents Introduction Professions Competencies, skills and qualities Qualifications, Registration and Regulation Roles and team structure Recruitment and interviewing Supervision Supervision supports the reflective functioning between therapist and family and between parent and infant A note about personal therapy Management and leadership Training and…

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Chapter 1

1 Introduction and Key Concepts Chapter contents What is this toolkit and who is it for? Navigating the Toolkit What are specialised parent-infant relationship teams? Characteristics of specialised parent-infant relationship teams Specialised teams are part of the parent-infant relationships ecosystem Why do we need specialised parent-infant relationship teams? The importance of a shared language from…

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test for feedback

1 Introduction and Key Concepts Chapter contents What is this toolkit and who is it for? Navigating the Toolkit What are specialised parent-infant relationship teams? Characteristics of specialised parent-infant relationship teams Specialised teams are part of the parent-infant relationships ecosystem Why do we need specialised parent-infant relationship teams? The importance of a shared language from…

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What’s in the political parties’ manifestos for babies?

By Tamora Langley, Head of Policy and Communications at the Parent-Infant Foundation  After working with the First 1001 Days Steering Group to develop and launch the ‘Manifesto for Babies’ earlier this year, we have been waiting to see what the political parties would commit to in their manifestos.  All have now been published, so what…

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The Baby Blind-spot: First 1001 Days report shows babies’ needs overlooked in COVID response

A report released by the First 1001 Days Movement today found that the “hidden harms” of the Spring lockdown on 0-2s were broad and significant, and experienced unevenly depending on family circumstances and background.  The Working for Babies report was written by First 1001 Days partners Isos Partnership.  It examined the response of local services…

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1001 Days Manifesto Updates APPG Activities Resources Evidence Briefs Infographics Working for Babies Members APPG Meetings 2023/24 Tuesday, 19 March 2024 This was a hybrid meeting where the First 1001 Days Movement launched the ‘Manifesto for Babies’. It took place after a short EGM that was required to bring the APPG in line with new…

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