The latest news from the Foundation

Briefing for Commissioners

25 June 2020

During IMHAW2020, the Parent-Infant Foundation launched a new briefing for NHS Commissioners in partnership with NHSCC.  The breifing  explains what Infant Mental Health is and why it matters. It describes the value of support to improve early relationships, and the current gaps in provision. The case to protect and promote infant mental health is strong,…

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A Priority for Government

07 November 2019

Today, the Parent-Infant Foundation called on all political parties in the UK to commit to transforming support for children and their families in the first 1001 days of life. A new briefing document, published today ahead of the December General Election, describes how the first 1001 days of life should be a priority for the…

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Parent-Infant Foundation is launched

22 October 2019

We were delighted to welcome friends and colleagues interested in and working to improve parent-infant relationships, to our launch party on October 7th 2019.  Our focus was to share our new strategy and the comprehensive Development Toolkit we have created with others to help local areas who want to set-up, maintain or develop a specialised…

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