Dr Paul Williams MP joins PIP UK’s board of trustees
25 June 2019

Parent Infant Partnership UK is pleased to welcome Dr Paul Williams MP to its board of trustees. Paul was elected as Labour MP for Stockton South in June 2017.
Dr Williams became an MP because of deep concern about the challenges facing our NHS and the inequalities in society. He brought experience as a GP and public health doctor into Parliament, and addressing inequality has been at the core of his political agenda. He is a member of the Health and Social Care Select Committee and acted as the Chair of its recent inquiry into the First 1000 Days of Life.
As he puts it: “Early relationships between babies and their parents are incredibly important for building healthy brains: there is no more important time in a person’s life than early childhood. Relationships, language, behaviour and social skills are all learnt from parents, and the consequences last for a lifetime.
“I see parent-infant relationship support as a top priority for government. If we are serious about reducing inequality, we need massive investment in the crucial time at the start of people’s lives. People don’t always appreciate just how vital the early years are for a developing brain: it’s still not understood, particularly in vulnerable communities, how things happening inside the womb can have a lifelong impact. It’s not taught, appreciated or understood.
“I see PIP UK as an organisation that is changing that. The parent-infant teams they support do vital work with vulnerable families to help their babies to have the very best start in life. I want the organisation to be known for being in areas with the highest deprivation, facilitating grassroots investment, knowledge and skills. I’m delighted to be joining the board at such an exciting time in PIP UK’s development and overseeing its growth and success.”
He formally takes up his position on Monday 24th June for a three year tenure, joining Tim Loughton MP (Con) who chairs the board and said of Paul’s appointment, “We welcome Paul to the PIP UK board and are delighted he will join us in championing an increase in specialised parent-infant relationship services across the UK.”