A Priority for Government

07 November 2019


Today, the Parent-Infant Foundation called on all political parties in the UK to commit to transforming support for children and their families in the first 1001 days of life. A new briefing document, published today ahead of the December General Election, describes how the first 1001 days of life should be a priority for the next Government. In the document, we describe how investment in babies’ emotional wellbeing is investment in the physical and mental health of the next generation, and the future of our communities, society and the economy. The briefing sets out a number of recommendations for future government policy. Parties are challenged to make children a priority, from conception onwards, through the creation of an ambitious cross-government children’s strategy led by a cabinet-level Children’s Minister. The briefing also calls for investment in the “age of opportunity”, through improved long-term funding for services in the first 1001 days, delivered by a well-trained workforce. In response to data showing huge variability in the services available for families around the UK, the Foundation calls for the next Government to hold local commissioners to account for the quality and sufficiency of services including health visiting and CAMHS provision. Read the full briefing below, or download here.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://parentinfantfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/191106-Election-asks-FINAL.pdf” title=”191106 Election asks FINAL”]

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