Voice of the Baby: Phase Two Summary Research Report (Starcatchers)

Since 2022 Starcatchers has been working in partnership with researchers from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Queen Margaret University to explore an arts-based approach to participation with babies from birth to 3 years old. This work has been a response to the increasing conversation in Scotland around Children’s Rights in the lead up to the incorporation of the UNCRC into domestic law and where babies’ voices are (or are not) being heard.

This pioneering research supported by Cattanach, Charles Gordon Foundation, Creative Scotland and Interface, resulted in The Voice of the Baby: A Reflective Guide to the Arts, both the Reflective Guide and its accompanying resources, Voice of the Child In-Practice.

This is a summary of Phase Two of research by Dr Rachel Drury, Dr Cara Blaisdell and Claire Ruckert

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