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Zoomcast – Delivering a Rural Service

This Zoomcast will be of interest to anyone commissioning or setting up a parent-infant relationship service, especially in a rural area. Working in a rural area can generate it’s own challenges.  In this episode, we talk with Paddy Martin, joint clinical lead of Gwent Parent-Infant Mental Health Service, and Dr Ellen Auty, clinical lead of…

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Delivering a Rural Service

This webinar will be of interest to anyone commissioning or setting up a parent-infant relationship service, especially in a rural area. Working in a rural area can generate it’s own challenges.  In this episode, we talk with Paddy Martin, joint clinical lead of Gwent Parent-Infant Mental Health Service, and Dr Ellen Auty, clinical lead of…

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Rare Jewels

Our Rare Jewels report: Specialised parent-infant relationship teams are like rare jewels in the mental health system Executive Summary Full Report In June 2019, at the start of Infant Mental Health Awareness Week, we launched our ground-breaking report in parliament about the provision of specialised parent-infant relationship services around the UK. Parent-infant teams provide: Expertise,…

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1001 Days Manifesto Updates APPG Activities Resources Evidence Briefs Infographics Working for Babies Members APPG The Conception to Age Two All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) brings together parliamentarians from across the political spectrum with a shared passion for improving babies’ early relationships, experiences and outcomes. The APPG is chaired by Tim Loughton, MP for East Worthing…

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Working more effectively across perinatal and parent-infant services – Rachel Pardoe & Dr Fionnuala Stuart

NHS Perinatal mental health services (PNMHS) have expanded significantly over the past decade across the UK, in number and in remit. In our online mental health training (Babies In Our Minds) we offer reflective case discussion slots, where practitioners based in PNMHS, social care, health visiting and maternity services bring their work. We are hearing…

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Mapping tool

Service mapping tool for parent-infant relationship services Introduction This service mapping tool has been developed by the Parent-Infant Foundation to help areas to map what Parent-Infant relationship support is available in their area, and to identify any gaps in provision. Parent-Infant relationship support can exist in different parts of the system and this tool will:…

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The Voice of the Infant – Dr Anne McFadyen

As part of the development of Infant Mental Health services and systems in Scotland, we undertook work to facilitate the voices of babies and young children in the work, in the appraisal and evaluation of that work and in the design and development of our services. Best Practice Guidelines have been developed to provide guidance…

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Support Us

We are always keen to hear from those who would like to donate towards the work that we do If you are interested in supporting us, please get in touch.Whether it’s through a fundraising challenge, gift giving, a legacy donation, corporate sponsorship or pro bono support, we’d be delighted to hear from you. You can also…

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Parent-Infant Foundation welcomes ‘Impact of COVID-19 on new parents: one year on’ report

The Parent-Infant Foundation welcomes the House of Commons Petitions Committee’s report on the continuing challenges faced by new and expectant parents in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their report, ‘Impact of COVID-19 on new parents: one year on’ provides a clear analysis of the difficulties the pandemic has posed for some babies and their families.…

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Dr Paul Williams MP joins PIP UK’s board of trustees

Parent Infant Partnership UK is pleased to welcome Dr Paul Williams MP to its board of trustees. Paul was elected as Labour MP for Stockton South in June 2017. Dr Williams became an MP because of deep concern about the challenges facing our NHS and the inequalities in society. He brought experience as a GP…

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