We are the Parent-Infant Foundation. Our strategic direction sets out our vision, aims and means.


Our vision is of a UK in which all parents and carers are supported to create sensitive, nurturing relationships with their babies to lay the foundation for lifelong mental and physical health.

Our aims

Support the quality and practice of existing specialist parent-infant relationship teams across the UK.

Grow the number of specialised parent-infant relationship teams across the UK.

Work with parent-infant relationship specialists in other services* to help them support babies’ relationships with their primary carer givers.

Make the case for investment in babies’ emotional wellbeing — working in close partnership with and convening friends and allies across the First 1001 Days Movement.

Raise public awareness of the critical, life-long importance of early relationships.

Develop our organisation for maximum impact.

* Such as safeguarding, midwives, specialist perinatal and infant mental health visitors, social care, and perinatal mental health.

How we plan

1 — Strategic Direction

Our Strategic Direction sets out our Vision, Aims and Means.

We set our Strategic Direction on a ten-year horizon and do not expect it to change significantly during this period unless there is a major change in the environment in which we work. Each autumn, we look at our Strategic Direction to consider what we are learning and the changing world around us and ensure we are following the best route.

2 — Strategic Priorities

Our strategic priorities establish what we will focus on under each of our six aims.

We set these on a three-year horizon, but revisit them in January each year. This helps us focus clearly on our long-term direction whilst also retaining agility to adapt to evolving needs and opportunities.

When we have agreed our Strategic Priorities, we develop an annual operating plan and budget. This sets out what we will deliver across the four quarters of the year ahead.

3 — Our Means

We fulfil our Aims through three interconnected Means 

  • Expertise: providing information, advice and guidance – both directly and by convening networks enabling the free exchange of knowledge, ideas and insight
  • Evidence: contributing to knowledge and understanding of impact and effectiveness
  • Influence: winning support from decision-makers and opinion-formers

The impact of teams

What Impact do parent-infant relationship teams have?

The evidence suggests that parent-infant teams help babies and their caregivers across three domains. These inter-related domains are critically important for the healthy development of babies now and for future outcomes:

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Strengthening relationships between babies and their caregivers

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Improving the mental health of caregivers

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Supporting babies’ early development and wellbeing (including those most at risk)

Find out more about the impact of parent-infant relationship teams.

Do you share our vision?

How can you help us and get involved?